January 16, 2025


The BHP’s five member Board of Commissioners is responsible for the overall policy and management of the organization.  All members are appointed by the Brattleboro Select Board and each serves a five-year term. The Brattleboro Housing Partnerships is very fortunate to have a Board which is highly knowledgeable about the many facets of its work . Board members take an active interest in policy development and management issues. The Board keeps its focus on the big picture and does not get overly involved in day-to-day matters. This is the mark of an excellent Board that knows its job and is doing it well!

The Board meets once a month on Monday night at 4:30 p.m. The first item of business is to talk with any residents that are present, if you have a question or concern that you would like to bring to the Board, please attend a meeting! The schedule of meetings is posted in or outside each of the property offices.

Board of Commissioners:

Elisha Underwood, Chair of the Board (term expires 6/28) second term 

Michelle Wright, Vice Chair of the Board (term expires 6/29) first term

Patricia Green, Commissioner (term expires 6/26) first term 

Suzie Walker , Commissioner (term expires 6/25) first term

Gary Stroud, Commissioner (term expires 6/27) first term

Christine Hazzard, Executive Director, Board Secretary

Board members can be contacted by emailing bhp@brattleborohousing.org