February 10, 2025

Support & Services at Home (SASH)


Support And Services at Home (SASH) provides a system of coordinated, person-centered, supportive services and care to help residents be safe and secure at home. The SASH Coordinators and Wellness Nurse work with a team of service providers in the community to coordinate individual care and services for each participant. SASH organizes Wellness programs and activities throughout the year to engage residents in activities that contribute to a healthier lifestyle. SASH is a voluntary program open to residents at Hayes Court, Melrose Terrace, Red Clover Commons and the Samuel Elliot Apartments regardless of health and financial status. SASH is also open to community members that are Medicare recipients.

Benefits to SASH Participants

  • Improves quality of life
  • Comprehensive health and wellness assessment
  • Individualized Healthy Living Plan
  • Money savings through preventative health care
  • Check-ins and health coaching
  • Convenient access to a wellness nurse
  • Planning for successful transitions in and out of hospitalization
  • An informed team to help in a crisis
  • Access to prevention and wellness programs

Quotes from local SASH participants
“They helped me prepare for surgery, which really eased my worries.”
“It’s nice to know there is someone there if I need them.”
“Full of programs for good health, and answers for me in terms of getting healthy.”
“I enjoy the activities SASH provides. After my operation they came to my apartment to check on me.”
“I love the Tia Chi. It makes me feel steadier on my feet.”
“SASH keeps me motivated.”

To find out more information about SASH please contact;

Lorelei Morrissette (Interim)  –  SASH Implementation Manager for Windham and Windsor counties

David Wright (Interim )– SASH Coordinator for Hayes Court and Anne Wilder Richards Apartments

Vacant – SASH Coordinator for Red Clover Commons 1&2 and the towns of Brattleboro, Guilford and Vernon.

David Wright – SASH Coordinator for Samuel Elliot Apartments
